
Friday, November 07, 2008

YES We Did

With a lot of help from people who never voted before and a lot of people who got them registered, and a lot of other helpers... and with the Grace of God... We have much to be thankful about and much work to do.

YES WE DID have a VICTORY over past ways of doing and being.

It is now our challenge to keep up the momentum and BE the Change we need to be.

Name one thing YOU will do differently to promote justice and be peace in your community.


James Miller said...

A new hope for America : Barack Obama

The victory of Barack Obama is a historical event for America and the world. The next big date is the Presidential Inauguration Day : January 20, 2009.

For your blog : Barack Obama's Inauguration Day countdown clock

I have built a countdown clock to the day when President Obama will take office.

To see it in action, please visit : http://barackobamainauguration.blogspot.com/

The countdown clock can easily be added to your blog post.

The link at the bottom tells you how to put the countdown clock on your blog.


greenehawke said...

Thanks James. That is a fine idea. I shall add the countdown.