
Friday, August 07, 2009

Live the Question

When the question is not possible to answer at this time,
Live the question until the answer appears.
Rainier Maria Rilke, German Poet.
When we think Peace. We need to Be Justice.

We need to Live with Compassion and
Be Alert for new opportunities to express this concern.

I am asking our local daily newspaper to carry more stories like this instead of
the disastrous drivel about beatings and killings all the time.

We reap what we sow. Sow Justice. Reap Peace.

A 5 year old can make a difference in OUR world.

What holds YOU back?

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Never forget the PAIN of the PAST

or we shall relearn through PAIN again.

Even when we think the ends justify the means, that hardly ever tells the whole story.

This week carries painful history for all of us.

Enola Gay and Parsons and Little Boy are names etched in the hearts of all who recall these days.

Praying that we never experience this again. ANYWHERE.